About Us

We are a new start-up but have a high leve of experience in programming and developing software solutions and an expertise in cycling industry and in particular safer road cycling.

We have a number of projects in development.

Currently the focus of the development team is in the area of creating tools, so websites and games that support learning and imporvements in cycling on the roads in the UK. We aim to provide tools that enable people to cycle in a safer way using the existing infrastrucuture.

  • Game development
  • Training websites and presentations
  • Videos and printed materials

Our lead in the development team started programming back in the early 80's, so lots of expereince and is now supported by younger more energetic coders. We also have cycling industry experience in the team which is why the early focus is on educational tools to support this.


We have three projects currently in development and at various stages of that process.

Cyclops Game

Cyclops Game

Game aimed at key stage 2 at primary school to prepare them for cycle training and improve the outcomes at the end of their training.

Cyclops Game

Delivery Driver Cycle Training

A purpose built training website for Delivery Van Drivers from the major UK supermarkets. It is not trying to turn them into cyclist, though sum already will be but to give them an idea of what both good and bad cycling looks like so they can be more prepared on the roads when cyclists are nearby.

Cyclops Game

Uni Student Cycling Training

The majority of students at UK universities do not drive or don't take their cars with them. This means a signicant number will use cycles as their main means of transport. Currently few Universities support their students to be better sfaer cyclists on the roads. This does leave them more vulnerable. We are developping a training website for University students to support some extra learning around using cycles on roads.

Cyclos Game

This a educational game that helps young people to dvelop some knowledge and therotical understanding of the rules and best practice to cycle on the UK roads so that when they arrive for their practical training with an instruictor tnhey already have some prior knowlledge and understanding. The aim is that this prior knowledge will vasty improve the poutcomes of any cycle training.


If you want to contact us about any of our projects currently in development email us at admin@ohnbar.co.uk We aim to reply withion 48 hours.